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The Adjacent Possible

Deep dives into how to escape the the public school / corporate matrix via one-person businesses

orbital velocity
How to reach financial escape velocity
Ever felt like you’re living the same day over and over? Wake up, scroll your phone, eat breakfast, go to a job, work off assigned tasks, eat lunch, work off more tasks, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, scroll your phone, fall asleep. You cycle...
No middle class
You're not in the middle class
Go to school. Get a good job. Join the middle class. The problem: there is no middle class. Only the Inner class and the Outer class. Allow me to explain … The Red Queen When I was younger, I read “Through the Looking Glass” by Lewis...
How persistence puts you in the top 1%
This song has sold over 10 million copies. Its video has over 1 billion views on YouTube. The famous keyboard riff was created by a 15-year old. But, the first 3 versions bombed. It took 7 years to perfect. Here’s the story of how persistence...
Hourglass (1200x675)
Wealth is not measured in dollars
When you’re young, you have more time than money. Whey you’re old, you have more money than time. Those who solve this paradox are, rightly, to be admired. The first step is recognizing that wealth is not measured in dollars. The Rat...
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