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Subscribe to The Adjacent Possible Newsletter

Welcome to “The Adjacent Possible” newsletter

“The Adjacent Possible” is the newsletter designed for individuals on their journey towards financial independence.

Our Focus

The “Adjacent Possible” draws on the principle that growth and innovation occur step by step from our current position.

Imagine standing in a dark room with a lantern. The lit area is your “adjacent possible,” representing the next set of ideas, opportunities, and actions that are within your grasp.

The dark area, beyond the light of your lantern, symbolizes the vast potential that remains out of reach.

These ideas, opportunities, and actions are not yet visible or attainable because they lie beyond your current capabilities or understanding.

The video below illustrates how, as you gain new knowledge and skills with each step, additional options open up.

The Adjacent Possible is about recognizing and making those small, strategic moves that lead to larger achievements.

This concept will be our compass as you evolve from beginner to achieving financial freedom.

What to Expect

Consider this newsletter your map in navigating the complexities of financial growth. Each edition will offer:

  • Skill Development: Highlighting essential skills for transitioning from student or employee to an entrepreneur.
  • Incremental Progress: Demonstrating how small adjustments can collectively lead to significant advancements.
  • Inspirational Stories: Sharing experiences of individuals who have successfully embarked on this journey, starting from the ground up.
  • Practical Advice: Providing actionable strategies to help you make informed decisions and avoid pitfalls.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging a sense of belonging among readers pursuing similar goals.

The journey to financial independence is unique for everyone, yet it shares a common starting point: the exploration of opportunities that lie within reach.

“The Adjacent Possible” is here to illuminate the path forward, guiding you through each step toward achieving your goals.

Join Us

If you are ready to explore how to turn your aspirations of financial independence into a tangible plan, make sure you subscribe to “The Adjacent Possible.”

This is the beginning of a meaningful journey, and there is much to explore together.

I look forward to embarking on this path with you, one newsletter at a time.

Warm regards,
The Edupreneur

Subscribe to The Adjacent Possible Newsletter

Who is The Edupreneur?

I founded a 7-figure company and am homeschooling my kids to do the same.

Check out my free resources: